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He is Professor of Pharmaceutical Analysis at The School of Pharmacy, University of London where he heads the Centre for Pharmaceutical Analysis. The Centre provides a focus for research and education in pharmaceutical analysis within The School and is extending the world-class knowledge base in that field. In particular, Near-Infrared Spectroscopy is being used: to further the technique, increase its use in the pharmaceutical industry and get it accepted by the regulatory authorities.

He was previously Chief Scientist at the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain where he gave advice on scientific matters to the Society’s Council and other departments within the Society. Part of his duties was to write policy papers concerning the scientific aspects of pharmaceutical health care and how it may be delivered to the community at large.  He has extensive knowledge at first-hand of pharmacy in the community, academic  and hospital settings, and has excellent links to the pharmaceutical industry. He also acted as the Society’s scientific spokesperson for the media. He was previously Secretary of the Commonwealth Pharmaceutical Association.

He has over 300 publications as well as the co-authorship of 7 books (including Clarke’s Analysis of Drugs and Poisons).

His awards include the British Pharmaceutical Conference Science Award, Society of Analytical Chemistry Silver Medal, Philip Allen Award of the Forensic Science Society, joint award of the BUCHI 2002 Award, the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences Medal and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society’s Charter Gold Medal.

He is currently a member of a number of Committees including the British Pharmacopoeia Commission.

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